Saturday, July 23, 2022

Clinical Discussion - MND(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) - 21/07/2022

Clinical Discussion - MND(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)   on 21/07/2022 . 
Presenters :
Dr. Kirankumar Budihal
Dr. Bheemreddy Myakal
Dr. Harshitha M. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

General seminar -20/07/2022

General seminar on Understanding of Kamala and Hepatobiliary disorders on 20/07/2022 by
Dr. Shrikanth Soudri 
Final year PG Scholar

Guest lecture on Neoplastic disorders & it's Ayurvedic Management - 11/07/2022 and 12/07/2022

Guest lecture on Neoplastic disorders &  it's Ayurvedic Management on 11/07/2022 and 12/07/2022
Guest speaker - Dr. Beena 
Associate  Prof. & HOD 
Dept of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa 
KEY POINTS of the Guest lecture were:
1) General introduction to oncology
2) General Causes, Pathogenesis, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Investigation and Treatment in Contemporary science. 
3) Ayurvedic understanding of Arbuda, Gulma, Granthi, Apachi, Yakrittodara, Pleehodara etc. in terms of neoplastic disorders. 
4) Understanding Arbuda nidana mentioned in Ayurvedic texts in terms of present days. 
5) Palliative management and Integrative management of Cancer. 
6) Scope of Integrative management of cancer in future days. 

FRESHER'S DAY CELEBRATION VIHANGAMA - Vividha bhavagala sangama 08/07/2022

FRESHER'S DAY CELEBRATION Function VIHANGAMA - Vividha bhavagala sangama was done on 08/07/2022 
The function was presided by 
Dr. Gajanan Hegde (Principal, GAMCM) 
Dr. Mythrey R C (HOD Dept.Of KC GAMCM) 
Dr. Shreevathsa  (Dept.Of Sam. & Sidd. GAMCM) 
Dr. Varsha Kulkarni (Dept.Of PK GAMCM) 
Dr. Venkatkrishna ( Dept.Of Swastha GAMCM) 
Dr. L. N. Shenoy, Dr. V. M. Hugar, Other teaching staff and PG scholars of all 4 PG departments were present. 

Saturday, July 2, 2022


2nd year MD scholar, Dept of PG studies in Kayachikitsa has been selected for participation in Spritualityin Research, Young investigator award (SIR-YIA) organized by Spiritual applications research (SPARC Wing),Mount Abu and Centre for consciousness studies,Dept of Neurophysiology.NIMHANS Bengaluru.Dr.Amrutha,under the guidance of Dr.Mythrey.R.C(HOD &Professor, Dept of PG studies in Kayachikitsa)has been selected for Level-1 competition,consisting of training in Research methods and statistics. The awardees will have to undertake a 6 months research project, supervised by dept. of neurophysiology NIMHNANS and will get research grant of 1.5 lakhs.

Doctor's day celebration 01/07/2022

Doctor's day celebration 01/07/2022
On the eve of doctors day                  GAMC mysuru,  NSS Unit of GAMC Mysuru, Student Association, and Indian redcross society organized Blood donation camp, Official inaugural function, A guest lecture on "PANCHAGAVYAM" by Dr. D. P. Ramesh (Syndicate member Karnataka rajya grameena abhivruddhi & Panchayat raj university Gadag) .
Our department PG Scholars voluntarily participated in blood donation camp. Dr. Girish and Dr. Harshitha H S from PG 1st year gave Speech on the eve of Doctor's day celebration. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Yoga & AYUSH Exhibition expo 22/06/2022

Yoga and AYUSH Exhibition expo 22/06/2022
On 22/06/2022 Our department PG Scholars  along with our Repected HOD Dr. Mythrey R C mam visited the Yoga & AYUSH Exhibition expo that was organized at Palace grounds from 21/06/2022 to 26/06/2022.
The Key attraction of the exhibition were:
1) Digitalized yoga section
2) Usage of modern Technology in AYUSH sector
3) Working pattern of CCRAS,  AIIA, IPGTRA , NIA, NIMHANS, NMPB etc. 
4) Different ayurveda pharmacies along with their innovative techniques in preparing kashayam tablet, Arka preparations etc. 

8th International day of yoga celebration

8th International day of yoga (21/06/2022) 
Ministry of AYUSH (GOI) along with Department of AYUSH (GOK) organized Yoga day celebration at Mysuru palace premises with Honourable Prime minister Shri. Narendra Modiji. About 15000 public including school going children, College students, Yoga organizations, Government organizations and officials have participated and did yoga along with Modiji.  Our department PG scholars also took part in this Mega grand event. 

FIRST YEAR PG SCHOLARS - first year pg examination results