"JNANESHANA 2022" Workshop on Research Methodology and Biostatistics was conducted by Dept. Of PG Studies of Government Ayurveda Medical College Mysuru on 21st and 22nd September 2022.
The event was inaugrated by
Dr. M.V.S.S.T.Subburao (Prof.in cellular & molecular , Dept. Of Biochemistry, JSS Medical college Mysuru), Dr. Gajanan Hegde (Principal GAMC Mysuru), Dr. Mythrey R C (Workshop Co-ordinator & HOD Dept. Of KC, GAMC Mysuru) .
Inaugration followed by Scientific Sessions:
*Dr.Manjunath S N - Clinical Research
*Dr.Praveen Kulkarni - Research methods in survey studies
*Dr.Anand Katti - Literary Research
*Dr.Girish K J - Synopsis Writing
*Dr. Vidyalaxmi K - An Insight into Biostatistics
*Dr.K L Krishna- Drug discovery & development.
On 22/09/2022 All scientific sessions were followed by Valedictory ceremony.