Sunday, December 24, 2023

Paper Presentation at Ayurveda Kumbh 2023 & Arogya Expo 2023, Haridwar: 22/12/24-24/12/24

 Paper Presentation at Ayurveda Kumbh 2023 & Arogya Expo 2023 

Date: 22/12/24-24/12/24

Location: Haridwar, Uttarakhand

Paper Presentations:

1) Dr. Bheemreddy Myakal (3rd Year PG Scholar) - Ayurvedic management of Hypothyroidism with Vitiligo - A Case report

2) Dr. Sumayya Iqra (2nd Year PG Scholar) - Management of Vector-borne Viral Diseases Through Ayurveda

3) Dr. Meghana Dhapse (2nd Year PG Scholar) -Ayurvedic Intervention in Management of Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke w.s.r to Tiryaka Raktapitta- A Case Report

Saturday, December 23, 2023

National Workshop and Hands on Training on Teaching and Learning Biology with Drosophila- 21/12/23-23/11/23

 National Workshop and Hands on Training on Teaching and Learning Biology with Drosophila

Date: 21/12/23-23/12/23

Organized by: Department of Zoology, University of Mysore, Mysuru

Workshop attendees:

1) Dr. Amrutha A (3rd Year PG Scholar)

2) Dr. Girish S M (2nd Year PG Scholar)

3) Dr. H S Harshitha (2nd Year PG Scholar)

Highlights of Workshop:

Day 1 – Lectures on Basic understanding of morphology & taxonomy of Drosophila followed by practical session on Morphology & maintenance of Drosophila Culture & Mutants.

Day 2 – Lectures on Adaptive genomes & cytoraces of Drosophila and it as a drug discovery model followed by practical session on Antioxidant assay in Drosophila Melanogaster.

Day 3 – Lectures on Understanding genetic & cellular basis of circadian clockwork in drosophila followed by practical session on developmental stages of Drosophila embryo. Overall the workshop gave valuable insights on Drosophila as a versatile model for research & Set in ideas on how it can be used in Ayurveda for research with good practical exposure.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Seminar on Pathya Apathya Vivechana in Prameha Vikara - 12/12/23


Date: 12/12/23

Presented by:

Dr. Hasina Begum

1st Year PG Scholar

Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa

Highlights of the seminar:

Ayurveda has holistic and scientific approach in health management. It emphasizes much more on diet and regimen along with medicines. Food is said to be mahabheshaja(supreme medicine)by Acharya Kashyapa. So proper knowledge about food and its importance should be known by all to have better benefits from it. The dietary articles and activities that do not adversely affect the body and are liked by mind are regarded as path. Likewise, the dietary articles and activities that adversely affect the body are regarded as apatha. In Yogaratnakara, it is said that for the treatment of diseases etiology, drug treatment and Pathya (wholesome) are three important factors which should be studied thoroughly before starting the treatment. Judicious planning of treatment by proper understanding of these three factors always yields a successful eradication of disease. Prameha is considered as a type of Santarpanajanya Vikara. Prameha is frequently correlated with diabetes mellitus type 2 based on clinical manifestations. Type 2 D.M -is a metabolic disorder, a clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Diabetes means polyuria and mellitus means honey. Recommended pathya ahara for prameha are Yava, Godhuma, Shashtikshali, Kodrava, Mudga, Kulatha, Chanaka, Yavamantha, Yavaudana, Vatya, Saktu, Apupa, Yusha, Tiktha Shakas, Karvellaka, Jambu, Amalaka, Kapittha, Kamala, Utpala, Methika, Madhu, Lasuna, Saindhava etc. Food preparations like Mantha, Yavoudana, Vatya, Saktu, Apupa can be used. Conclusion: Ayurveda has given wide description about Ahara and Vihara which are told under the Prameha and these Ahara Vihara are relevant in day to day life. The prevention of diabetes by life style intervention, is very much essential in present era. This is mainly focus on the increase physical activity and dietary modification. Discussion: Discussed about the food articles which are mentioned in classics and which are practically available in today’s era and different food preparations which can be advised to patients and developing the diet chart for different diseases.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Seminar on Pathya Apathya Vivechana in Grahani Vikara - 6/12/23


Date: 21/11/23

Presented by:

Dr. Shwetha Jain

1st Year PG Scholar

Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa

Highlights of the seminar:

Ahara is the best of all medicines and is considered one among the thrayoupasthamba. Food is the basic factor for the attainment of Life-span, complexion, strength, health, enthusiasm, copulence, lustre, immunity, energy, heat processes and vital breath-all these depend on body-fire. One dies if this fire is extinguished, lives long free from disorders if it is functioning properly, gets ill if it is deranged, hence Agni is the root cause of all.The weak digestive fire burns the food incompletely which goes either upwards or downwards. When it moves out downwards either in ripe or unripe condition, it is known as the disorder of grahaṇī.. The role of Pathya ahara(diet) is very important, while treating every disease but while treating the patient of the Grahani , Pathya ahara play an important role because Grahani occurs due to impaired digestive system and it occurs due to faulty eating habits along with stressful and faulty lifestyle ,consumption of junk food, inadequate sleep and avoidance of Sadvritta.Grahani is a disease of Annavaha and purishavaha Srotas & related to Agni and Ama. Main causative factor for manifestation of Grahani Dosha is vitiation of Agni .The first line of treatment of Grahani Dosha is Deepana and Pachana. So it can be conclude those Ahara dravyas having Deepana, Pachana properties should be given in Grahani Dosha. Thus in a psycho-somatic illness like grahani / IBS a collective approach of diet, life style modifications along with medications will help in reducing the signs and symptoms and helps in attaining a state of equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala & Agni as explained in ayurvedic classics.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Paper and Poster Presentation at 5th Global Ayurveda Festival, Kerala-

 Paper and Poster Presentation at 5th Global Ayurveda Festival

Date: 1/12/23-5/12/23

Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Poster Presentation:

1) Dr. Shruti S Arali (2nd Year PG Scholar)- Significance of flowers in cosmetic care

Paper Presentation:

1) Dr. Kiran Kumar Budihal (2nd Year PG Scholar)- Scope of Ayurvedic management of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus on insulin with complications - a case study

FIRST YEAR PG SCHOLARS - first year pg examination results